Heather Newman
Poet & Teacher
"Dreaming in French"
Published in Hanging Loose #111
Published in The Writers Circle Anthology
"Bourbon Street, 3 AM"
Published in Aji Magazine
the poet

Heather Newman’s work has appeared (or will appear) in Barrow Street, Hanging Loose, Wisconsin Review, MoonPark Review, Love's Executive Order, Hole in Head Review, Entropy Magazine, The Pi Review, Right Hand Pointing, The Inquisitive Eater, Matter, New Verse News, and more. Her poems have been anthologized in How To Love the World (Storey Publishing, 2021) and Voices from Here, II (Paulinskill Press). Heather received her MFA in Creative Writing from The New School in 2019. She teaches poetry at The Writers Circle in NJ.
Heather is currently teaching the pop-up poetry workshop "Poetry For Art Lovers: Exploring The Ekphrasis" at the Southern Vermont Arts Center.
In the Press & Testimonials
Her work is both playful and political -- passionate and unequivocally outraged at the current state of the nation…But what’s also refreshing is that Heather’s writing never becomes strident or didactic. Her work is too witty for that – too pleasure loving – as she celebrates Woody Allen movies, “kick-your-heels-up spike-/ high platform … boots,” “black wicked” nail polish, and Bitcoin in a series of thoroughly contemporary odes and sonnets.
Elaine Equi, NYC (poet & professor at The New School MFA program)
Exploring Poetry with Heather Newman was wonderful. Enriching content, solid instruction, creative prompts, constructive feedback for revision, and a safe environment in which to explore all forms.
Kristin C., Piscataway, NJ
(student, TWC)
I recently took Heather’s writing course at TWC and it felt life altering. I began to really trust for the first time that I can be creative. It’s quite a gift.
Pat H. Cranford, NJ
(student, TWC)
I've wanted to try my hand at writing poetry for a long time, but didn't think I could...it all seems so mysterious. But Heather's workshop enlightened me on what it really means to be a poet, how to write poetry, how to think outside the obvious, and create something wonderful. I can't wait - and hope - the workshop will be offered again in the fall.
Lorraine C., Chester, NJ
(student, TWC)
Heather Newman: While I was home raising kids, I started to write creatively, taking classes and workshops whenever possible. Most people my age opt for low-residency MFA programs. I wanted the full-time interaction with a vibrant literary scene. Jane Fonda says she has lived a life in five acts. For me, the MFA is my chapter three.